There is no remedy for love but to love more.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

i was late today again! mamade wtf!!! & school is so damn nice to award me 1 day LRC. ok, i don't mind having LRC because i thought i'll have a nice place to settle down and complete my outstanding homeworks. but you know what?!??!! we have to copy a passage before doing our own stuff! wah, in the end i have not even complete one. what's the use of lrc huh! nehneh. upset because i haven't finish my homework! Grrrr. & it's so noisy please. i can even hear people singing! wapiang , but on the whole it's alright because i was busying copying & rushing through my essay. so after LRC, my dad came to fetch sis and me home. yeah, that's all for today. :)

argh, i'm gonna do my homework later.

yayyy sis bought me a backpack for my super belated present! look at the prints! quite nice hor. heh ^^


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