There is no remedy for love but to love more.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Had geog test today. Well, i guess i flunked it. Argh i know nuts about it. EURICA, buck up!
Got back my maths paper and it's worse than what i had expected. i thought i would only lose 3 marks! in the end.... forget it. im gonna make it a habit to check thoroughly after i had done with my every paper.
Oh did summary test today too. hahaha my summary exceeded the limit but i don't bother because im busy playing Gary's DS, cooking mama! i swear the feeling is superb yo :D heh, he allowed me to bring home and make all the dishes gold! yayyyy, IM DAMN BUSY NOW. MUAHAHAHA.
Alright, no pictures today because... duh i didn't take any. Ok, that's all for now and i shall proceed with "cooking".
Peace out! :)

P/S; im lazy to deal with my songs. So... enjoy the silence that is golden........ :D


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