There is no remedy for love but to love more.

Monday, December 29, 2008

HEHEHE, im finally here to update! :D







Firstly, the mini suprise for my beloved xgg on the 20th! ♥
Heh, he's damn anxious to eat the cake! x)
I wish i wish.... to be as pretty as EURICA!!!!!
They look happy right, because im taking the camera. HEHE
*hope my wish come true!*
Mc is really hot manxz! snatching for the chocolate already~







Next up, the 21st! Milk milk's lunar bday falls on the same day as my xgg!
woo how cool?!?!
Same factory!
I wish i wish......... TO STRIKE 4D+TOTO+HORSE RACING+CHERKI !!!!
The cake is fab yo!
Once again, happy birthday ah!




How was yours? I spent it with my lovelove ones. HEHE.
HAHA we BBQ-ed! classic man my face!
Dont laugh hor, it's mini. damn suit my size man!
Dont be mistaken, she did not escape from the zoo!
Tsk, i wish wish my fringe could be more flat!
So violent, that is a "skill" they learnt from WWE! BAD.
We also same factory! ^^
♥♥ x10000000
darl came over and surprised me w p.r.e.s.e.n.t!
HAHA, how's my 'photoshop' skill? Thumbs up nah!
Manxz, she look like some rocker. HAA.
darling 1314 184 3344 123456! Omg so jiexzxzmuiiiixzx.
Yamseng! Sis extra large!






Had a camp over this weekend and i witness this accident!
Walao eh, as a geographer, it's so saddening to see them produce so much pollution!
& you know what, i had been dealing with these kids for 3D2N!!!
Back hurts neck hurts everywhere aching!@@@@
But they're too lovely to resist! Especially this! he love smiling.
EEEEEKS , i miss him! he adores me playing w him hor. im sucha angel. *hola on my head alr!!*


I had finally ended my 2months job on the 29th! walao im so jiao ta shi di. tsk , learn from me k!
i can finally reap what i sow! wooo $$$$$$$$$$$$. BUT HOR, im still busy.
& school is damn super lame, starts school on friday, then weekend.
hahaha, but i wont mind the free weekend please. ^^
OK peace out! i really got a lot of things to do!!!!! will blog again soon! :D


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