There is no remedy for love but to love more.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

I've started to pen down my life and thoughts in MJR Student Handbook (Please dont laugh!) since i started working from Nov. Well, i think it's a good habit. ( Partially , i guess I'm inspired by darling, looks fun huh her book!) Not so globalised yo, penning everything on the book, not on web anymore. I feel that writing in a book is much more easier and convenient for me. Everyday i get to face the computer w/o fail. So i die die also won't use the computer at home after work ( unless for little nonya, HEHE), so sicked of it already. Will be super lame if i use the computer at home. And, i paused all my dramas for now, exceptional for Pi li MIT, because there's Guigui! :)
Sigh, i want Christmas to come quickly. Can the time teleport?

I want:
  • my sleeping time.
  • to end my working life please.
  • time to fly till my work ends and stop there forever.
  • to laze around
  • a schdeule book!
  • holidays ( REAL HOLIDAY PLEASE)
  • money to drop from sky.
  • healthy family & friends.

Well, Santa; HERE'S MY LIST :)


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