There is no remedy for love but to love more.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

HOOHOO! I've a good news to share! I got an Admin job & it's starting tomorrow! but i'll only be working for 2 weeks? Not confirmed yet , because my superior says he might extend my service , depending on the company's workload! hehehe , although my pay is petty , I'm sure it's more than enough for me to buy the backpacks i want! & not to mention that my working place is so near from my house! I'm a happy girl yo! just pray hard that they'll extend my service.

Qingx , i think our trip to sakae will be postpone ): awwwwwww , i want to go so badly! But working shall be my first priority, right?!?! support me hoh.......... hehehe love you!


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