There is no remedy for love but to love more.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Im feeling sooooooo tired , but i just cannot get to sleep! aaaaaaaa , am i going to have insomnia? awww i love the feeling of sleeping when im tired , but i just couldn't do it today. why! rarrrrrrrrrrrr. eyelid is duper heavy now. and it's so humid! why don't it rain? whywhywhywhywhywhy?!?!?!?!!


While i was waiting for me to feel sleepy , i surfed the net & watched wahsh & mfbbt. slept at around 1 ? I woke up at only 3.30 so i missed the Buffet with Qingx. ): Sorry Qingx! actually i've got a plan. hehehe , msg you later :) Going out with Xgg now. I have to get a shoe because i might get an admin work anytime- yes any min any sec :D so better be safe than sorry! one out of a million chances! hehe tata!


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