There is no remedy for love but to love more.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

look at my lil pinkie! become purpie already right! it hurts like hell ok. & i've not recover. ):

sweet darling bought this for me!
ok that was qingx's. ^^

I feel sick of blogger already. thought of creating a livejournal a/c. but i couldn't think of any user! rarrrrrrr. :/

Anw N's ending at this coming Tuesday & my bday is arriving! prettaye excited about it because darling gonna bring me eat and she claimed that she's giving me 11 presents! ( although i prefer PSP) hehehe :x im too materialistic , but nvm i still love her to bits, like always :D

& i'll be out w my girls on the eve of my bday! hehehe , they're part of my life too. i still remember they gave me a mini surprise last year :) appreciated it yo! i somehow regretted not to give my woman a memorable birthday. NVM NEXT YEAR OK! ^^ omg lah she still want dig a gucci bag from me! you wait me become a manyzer lor. i swear i'll buy for you if i am. ^^

&&&&&&& my sweetheart's birthday also arriving. * i shall stay at home that day* hahahaha. cant think of what to give her anw. i think my kiss weighs the same as a Mercedes car! :x

im really looking forward to the days after N manxz! im so gonna find a job too. so any nice soul if got any chances please inform me! especially yipo! she's my cai shen ye oh!

peace out!


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