There is no remedy for love but to love more.

Monday, August 11, 2008

taken from sweetheart's blog :)

Was released early from school last friday due to the National day celebration. rushed home & movie at Cathay orchard with sweetheart & benny! caught Money no enough 2. duper funny i swear , i laugh till i teared. mahjong after movie at Benny's house. i lost 90 cents. ):








Holiday for today! rock yo :) caught The mummy with sweetheart & Kokboon. thumbs up for it. similar to Indiana Jones though. Fusion next to meet up with CheeChong & Wenquan. home after that! No pictures , didnt have the chance to take :/ aww!







Anyway , 9/8/97 - my dearest brother & home for 16years birthday!

happy birthday to youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu(s)! hahaha :D


Darling! :)


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