There is no remedy for love but to love more.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Happy Birthday to meeeee :)
hehehe , sugar!
ha , just wanna entertain you.

Advanced celebration at Teoheng yesterday from 4-8. saw Wenquan coincidentally. ha, i had an enjoyable night w my girls! love love love love. i adore their presents too! so cute , LOOK LIKE ME LE LAH... my lil woman gave me a surprise while we were singing. i swear i was shocked. hahahaha. partially cause Qingx and me are committing some unseen crime inside :p

Chelles & Qingx , i really love you girls & appreciated what you 2 had done for me. heartfelt thanks from my heart! I REALLY LOVE YOU GIRLS! *kisses & hugs*x1000000!

PS: Only uploaded some , others please visit Chelles/Qingx 's bloggggggg! :D

Attended school today but we ended up gambling & playing. Only 1 period of studying! was wondering what's the point of going school! anw , i've no mood to study alr. wait till the holidays are over yo! met my koh ai woman at her house. she gave me a very cute pencil box & Qingx got me a wallet! i heart both hehehe , in fact i love every presents i received!

After that , homed & out to meet Jere & Gladys w Sis. off to Bugis's hongkong cafe. well, i couldn't & do not know how to blog out the details. In conclusion, they surprised me by asking Xgg& Mc+siblings to join us at HK cafe to celebrate my bday! Xgg & Darling planned secretly! omg i'm a blessed sixteen year old girl :) We had a super big VASE of teh-bing! hahaha , it's the 'tradition' there! & my darling gave me a DS lite. Darling , thanks! i know you're short of cash but you still bought it for me.
Thanks Jeredarling! i'm really touched of what you'd done for my birthday, me can see the effort! i love ya! loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee:)
& also my family which includes Xgg+Mc & my lovely siblings + parents & milk milk! :) hehe , love :)

Jiani & Jianzheng met me near my house & spent my last few hours w me! awwww, i cant spell loxxly! hahaha. ohmy , God has really give me gifts! hahahaha! anw , im happily exhausted. Nights everyone. Thanks again!

To : Xgg+Mc,siblings,Jeredarling, Chelles & Qingx.
i have a lot to say , but it seems like my feelings couldn't be expressed through words. Can you all feel it? I'm seriously touched & happy that you're did this & that for me. i hope you can feel my appreciation! i really do love you all! You all definitely added colours to my life , i'll never forget what you did for me today. :)

Thanks: Xgg+Mc+sisters&brother for the surprise & presents!
Jeredarling for the surprise+present.
Chelles & Qingx for the presents & surpriseeeeee :)
Gladys for the trouble & nuisance of phototaking! &also celebrating w me! :D
Jiani dajie + Jianzheng for spending my last few hours w me! x)
Everyone for all the wishes & presents.
i can sense your effort , really! :) you all made my day, MEMORABLE. love.

PS: i'll update again once i get the photos from Xgg & Gladys :)


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