There is no remedy for love but to love more.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

i love this pict a lot, because i look very sibeh super duper happy! & it captured my prettayeeeeeee girls :)

my birthday is arriving like ard 2 days! idk why but i somehow is super anxious to know what my day would be like. & tomorrow im celebrating my bday in advance w my cuties! shan't tell you guys where are we going. stay tuned k. i swear i can be super high but mother red knock on my door so i think i can better go die. ): super low i tell ya my spirits. especially today. totally no mood except during the PE lessons! i shared some lame jokes/questions w them :) you all care to know?! I KNOW YOU'RE DYING TO KNOW! OK LAH LEMME TELL YOU.

First , what is worse than eating shits? (Eating shits twice! ^^)
Second , what is the tallest building in the world? ( library - library got a lot of stories[storey] )
Third , what is the first thing you would do when you wake up in the morning? ( open your eyes)

HEHEHEHEHHE , 1st&2nd credits to my sibeh lame de Xgg! & the third one is super logical one!


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