There is no remedy for love but to love more.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Sweetheart ♥
see! he's irritating the teacher... AGAIN.
they're so audacious to bring their laptops & play lan games! HAHAHA funny enough.
Had maths test today. At least lost 3 marks because of my carelessness. argh, how i wish time would go back ):
Anyway, English lesson was funny today! Hahahaha, the boys started to play ringtones to irritate the teacher.
Gary: On your mark... Ready.. Get set & go!
"Ring ring... Ring ring... Ring ring... Ring ring!!!" Basically everyone was laughing. jokers indeed! hahaha.
Teacher is real pissed off but she's good enough not to confiscate their phones. sometimes i really do pity her. tsktsk.
After school, looked for xgg but after a minute dad came and fetched us. Headed coffeeshop to look for mom and ate lunch.

my mom maintained well hor.
I'm buying glasses soon! :)
Heh, i chipped in with mei to buy 4D!! dont play play hor, if it strikes, the least i can win is 60 bucks! I believe in beginner's luck nah! ^^

pray that i'll win some coffee money! x)


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