There is no remedy for love but to love more.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Their O's was over, and ours is coming..... in a few months time! you cant afford to procrastinate hor! time flies, & im sure O will be coming in just a blink of my eyes. Sure to feel stress, nervous + frustrated! ahhhhh im so gonna start studying now to avoid disappointment like how most of them do on 12jan. I swear, im gonna have tears of joy instead of regrets. MUST BE CONSISTENT. but im so worried over my languages. it's like so hard to get distinction for it. ):
i must be VERY VERY realistic in my target setting.

and now my sister had difficulties choosing what courses she want with her average score. im anxious for her too! what if she choose a course that she would regret in the end?! that's so wrong. SO YAH I MUST STRIVE HARD. VERY MOTIVATED NOW.


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