There is no remedy for love but to love more.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Hey yo! i shall be the first one to blog today's outing w my girls! :) I guess they're sleeping now, except woman. SHE WILL NEVER SLEEP EARLIER THAN ME. ok hehe let me start the ball rolling..
gambling in class! erm, we gambled with points hor. *.* i swear it made me so hyper that i kept irritate my English teacher. hahaha. funny! she nearly stop teaching. it's kind of bad but i dont know why i just couldn't stop. ^^

Although it's a little dark, you can still see Gary,Janet + Rafi. ( haha catch them please.)

tsk, look at Justin! hilarous.
I was kind of lucky because i actually lost 34 points in the first place!! But now, only 10. it was ALOT lesser k. & because i was too obsessive, i was late for the outing. & so , i shared cab with Janet.
to my SURPRISE when i got home, i was locked out of the door. wah, *clapclap*
damn pissed off please! somemore i need the toilet. luckiest day to lose *points*, late, locked out, taste the urgency. all at one go, how great.....~.~ ok it's wonderful because i managed to take pictures of the spirit of teamwork to get that freaking key out! hahaha.
look at the stuff we tried to break the locker! Hammer you then you know!
ok he rescued us.
So i rushed & rushed and managed to reach Chelles' house before 5. It was raining cats and dogs then so we stayed awhile longer hoping that the rain would stop or get smaller, but what the hell .... it didn't.
cabbed over to suntec and looked around. proceed to garden after that. haha we ate grasses! :D
After pleasing our stomachs, walked around marina square to kill time + speed up digestion. Benny joined us after that & we went grandlink to K! :D sing sang sung till im so sleepy z.z
stopped singing at 1.30 and Benny sent us home after that. home sweet home and here i am blogging.
Anyway enough of me blabbering, just enjoy the pictures k! :)

They're my chocolateeeeeeeees ♥ love them! And yeah, i'd an enjoyable day with them. :)
Probably gonna bring Twilight+ other movies over to darling♥house tomorrow to watch! Of course provided that she's not going anywhere:) so cya ah. i love all my friends around meeee! ^^
Goodnight, im sleepy already. Peace out! :D


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