There is no remedy for love but to love more.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Happy belated birthday to Jianzheng!
haha poor him, he can't go anywhere to celebrate because of his bai-ka foot! tsktsk. bad year for him. :)

ok school is boringggggggggggggg, really! i can sense that im slacking. i slowed down. somehow can't feel the enthusiasm i had last year. i know that's something negative, so i'm hoping for the day to pass faster so we can attend the camp soon!

haha ok, maybe school is not that boring. you know what?! Seeing our class recycling box was full, Aloy brought up the idea of pushing the recycling truck up. ( you know, those super big truck !??!?!) Gary&Jason just laughed and went along with him. Lol. & damn, the teacher got so fed up that she off the fan. Cool, it's quite an effective way. so we awaited them and they really brought the super big truck to the 5th floor! we laughed like shit, omg HAHAHA. super duper funny. it spites the teacher alot. lol. Aloy is sucha joker. can't stand him.
I got a pimple ):

i says: hi im bao ya mei! HAHAHA.


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