There is no remedy for love but to love more.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentines to all! & Happy birthday, Marcooooo! :)

went Eugene's house yesterday.there were sweetheart, jiani, suhiang, jianzheng, laisoon, weikeong, roderick, Eugene, jeremy(his bro), Gena (his cousin), and his sis! i forgot how to spell her name though, forget it. hahaha. Jiani brought her dog over! i'm not afraid of her dog of course because it's so obedient! don't even bark loudly like how Eugene's is! Eugene's is damn hyperactive, & yep i'm guilty of it's imprisonment. HAHAHA.

we played mahjong/blackjack/cheat/big 2 till 3/4+ in the morning! seriously exhausted and im the first who knocked out. lousy. when i woke up at i-don't-know-what-time, all were asleep except jianzheng & Eugene. are they robots or what?! Lol. so, sweetheart called up her brother and he fetched suhiang, jianzheng and me home.

reached home at about 5.30 & i just coincidentally met my leaving dad ): he caught me and nagged. )(*&^%$#^&(*^#@* read a little of New moon and fell asleep after that.




woke up in the late noon. headed sweetheart's house in the evening. heh we had simple and economical :D played blackjack, watched wo ai hei se hui, & chit-chatted! :) hahaha i scribbled on her organiser and viewed her photo album. super hilarous when i saw sweetheart with the big round round glasses. haaaa cute nah k. feel like snapping it and blogged it out! heh evil meeeee ^^ ok i think that's all for my simple how's yours? :D enjoy the few pictures i had here.
opps sweetheart you're in!!! yayyyy.

muahahaha im the witch.

she dont wanna show her face!
ok peace out and enjoy your day! ^^


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