There is no remedy for love but to love more.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Happy birthday my dear hu, Caroline!
enjoy your day! :)

met up with darling as she need a passport photo for her school registration. & just nice family intended to go parkway to have a walk around. so dad fetched darling as it's on the way and off we went to pppppppppppppp. shopped & ate.
saw a cart and........
i feel like getting a customised chop to spite the teachers! especially those DC teachers. it would be so funny lah omg!
Conversations shall go like this:
Lai: come, girl you need to report to LRC today. Sign here.
Me: ok wait ah.. *search my bag for the chop*
*5mins later*
Me: *happily chop my kawaii customised cartoon chop*
Lai: *angry but cannot do anything because my name is really there*
MUAHAHAH SPITE THEM!!!! plenty of times to show off my chop because i predict i will still be late!!!
BUTTTTTT, i didn't do it anyway. so it was just a fantasy & i think it'll remain..... in my head. whatever
After that was boring so i shan't continue.

eh i feel that i resemble Jialin here. HAHA.

All the pictures not nice but i dont bother. heh. bye!


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