There is no remedy for love but to love more.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Yo! i had megatonnes of pictures to upload!! hehehe times 10 to the power of 6 hor!

had neglected my blog because i was having my Common Test almost everyday! still not over though, having Geog on monday. *shag* Anw, got back maths today! not really satisfied because as usual, i lost a big portion of marks due to my carelessness. nehhhhhhhh mind! shall not harp on something that is over. i must improve the next time! ^^

Well, pictures time!

Girls' outing.

Went bugis as Chelles want a bag for school while qingx left the threesome and went shopping w her mommmm! Thumbs up qingx!!! hehe but still, we met up w her and her mom so we hitched a ride to her house! YES, we gambled! & guess what? I'm the millionareeeeee! Chelles lost the most. but i still believe that luck changes and soon it'll be her time to win and my luck to lose!!! nehneh pok. i shall stop gambling so that she can't recoup her losses. ha, we gambled from 10plus in the night to 4plus in the morning! tsk, potential gamblers.
got a ride home from Chelles' boyf and immediately knocked out the moment i hit the bed. super exhausted y'know!!
P/s: More pictures at Chelles' blog!

Nephew's one-month celebration!

Ewwwwwwwww he's so tiny & cute! he smiled at me ok! felt like an angel at that point of time. hahaha. eh babies raises my curiosity like always! i always questioned my parents how was i when im young, any history of getting lost, why am i plump even when im young, why i am short hair till primary 4 whereas other girl friends has long beautiful hair. i even ask them why do humans die & ask them not to let me die! gosh i still remember clearly that i cried because im afraid of death. now i still do, duhhhhhh. heh anyway me love babies! ♥♥♥ 3 for you Jonas(or whatever it's spelled)!

Visits to KK!

Xgg was hospitalised! ): on a brighter note, she can rest for a month! woohoo, just on time right, xgg. been busy like a bull before that huh! just visited her yesterday and she's acting like a youngster hanging out on facebook lor! walao xgg...... you guys can keep a lookout on her and kin gai w her ah. ^^

Studying at sweetheart's house!

On our way to her house! :)

cabbed home w girls & mei. heh we got on a posh cab!!! cooooool yo. sweetheart waited for me at home while i showered and changed. plan was to mug at her house. heh had fun while studying. memorising of preparation of salt really got on my nerves. luckily we got jackpot huh qinggggx! :D awww i love her peaceful environment lehhhhhh. maybe because i love brown tiles for home! both darling & sweetheart got it. it gave me a peaceful feeling leh! anyway telling you how we studied is boring so i shan't elaborate. ^^
Visit to Xgg's house!

intends to study POA at her house but...... watched teevee instead. lol. big distraction. hahaha but fret not, im not gonna blame her teevee if i fail hor! responsible E.u.r.i.c.a. ^^
Anyway this post is really longgggggggggg. satisfied? I AM! :)


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