There is no remedy for love but to love more.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Hello peeps! i wonder is there still anyone reading?!

Anyway, O has finally ended and there starts the life of searching for jobs. crap i felt totally useless, i found none! greatttttttt(Y) it's just pure luck for the previous job i had found last year. is so looking forward to the results day! we say you reap what you sow, & yup i wanna see what i will reap!

Alright,updating updating...

Mj the day before yesterday at sweet's house, & I LOST. yayyy clap hand please ): and i missed the last bus so i stayed at her house till 8 in the morning. busing back when im sleepy is torturous,waiting for bus is hellish. Grandpa sun is freaking strong and striking,i so wanna find a hole and hide.Hit the sack almost immediately, worn out. Zzz. (thanks god my dad didnt rip me apart! hahaha srsly me love him! )

Andddd yesterday night darling and xiu came! ha,texas poker suggested by Jere. climax was when we bet 10bucks at one go! Wooo, bravo! btw, i won x) & they not only invaded my house, they took my bed! hahaha they slept till 5 and off they go on a cab! Oh ya i read J's inbox when she was sleeping & i swear i got a shock out of my 17years old life. watched a vid and a erhem popped out & god damn it the sound effect make my hair stands. i ran to my room instantly while groaning, Jereeeeee,Jerevieeeeen, omg omg. i cursed and sweared the person(+ancestors) whoever sent that vid but after that i found out the sender is my beloved xgg! HEHE HOW GREAT? THATS MY ANCESTORS TOO. LOL, fine i take back.

Well, i find it hard to blog nicely like a compo because i couldn't think and type like a writer! im not satisfied with whatever i blog argh. whatever i just want my blog to move on. so sorry no pictures! wait till i get a camera and a very fast loading desktop/laptop? HEHE I LOVE YOU FOR READING :)


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