There is no remedy for love but to love more.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

School life was alright till the hot humid weather clings onto April , really lucky that im just sitting SOMEWAY near the fan. seriously upset that why i couldnt sit just directly under the fan. ):
regretted not volunteering myself to be the monitress. laughs
being the monitor/monitress sits under the fan ! i've no idea for the other classes , but coincidentally for mine , both sits under the fan , yes ; directly !
sounds quite unfair hur , feel like protesting. but it would still be unfair for 36 minus 4 people.
not motivated at all , so humid. i hope it would rain daily when we're having periods & periods of lessons , then when dismissal time reaches , the rain stops. :D
wouldnt it be perfect ?! yeahhhhhh .___.

&&&&& im addicted by mahjong. No , im obsessed ! aaaaa , craving for it like lao-shu-ai-da-mi.
ha , quite an appropiate example yo. i hope i can play it tomorrow with my girls instead of going out ! although it would be a tad crazy to play the whole day , im still excited about mj ; my newly wed ! loveeeeeeeee it/her/him. especially 2-tong meimei ! Opsy , HAHAHA.

Aha ! then you would suggest me playing wahjong instead ? Wahjong is definitely not as fab as Mahjong. Goodness gracious , itchy handddddddddd. cant stop reminding myself that tomorrow i might have the opportunity to touch mj tiles which would ZI-MO. heh , TING QUICKLY LEARN IT & PLAY WITH US. ):

tomorrow is friday ! & saturday suck my toes.
bye , off to dreamland :)


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