There is no remedy for love but to love more.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

ohman , i've neglected my dear blog.
im so busy this week !
Bugis is usually when i landed on. heehee :D
buttttt , mother's nagging start cue already. :O
& my pocket & bank is almost empty ! roarrrrr. terrible. )):
hmmmm , this week huh. i done/bought :
  • Hellokitty webcam
  • Computer earpiece
  • presents
  • Movie tickets
  • Contact lens
  • Shirts
  • Watched Kungfu dunk & Cj7
  • Watched They kiss again

alright , this is still a very conservative list of what i've done recently.

altogether can cost me more than 3 digit lo.

my heart started to have intense pain. & my father still dont wanna let me redeem money from him. LOL.

let me rant about the movies. x)

firstly , i watched kungfu dunk in msia. so freaking cheap there ! 10 rm only. it's like 4.50SGD laaa. so happy that i picked up a good deal xD

Jaychou is super cute in the movie. he would let out some funny noises when eg , the ball is on it's way to the basket. hahaha , cute lah him. & his bangs ! cute Jayyy. & he look pretty young wearing jersey. haha. but it's a little bit pity cause they didnt tell us whether he's with Charlene in the end anot. less of his love & more of his bball. overall , yi ji bang !

Nexttttt , Cj7 !

i saw the comments on Cj7. it's like more negative than positive ! come on , it's super nice cannnn ! although it's not Stephen Chow's style. but it's very funny & sad at the last part ! i felt that it's very hard to make a movie funny & sad. no wonder he called Xing Ye. LOL.

Cj7 is damn cute ! awwwwwww , i wished i got a pet like it. but i would really wish that it has powers , instead of shooting me shit ! ha. so cute la. & its very touching in the end part. i guess every emotional person would cry.

BUT , Qingx actually didnt cry ! i know i shouldn't go Wawa about it , but her blood is so cold ! i guess her bf must have done very wawa things to win her heart =x & i guess lx would like to punch himself because he thought Qingx would cry then he could hug her. waliewwwwwwwww , QINGX i saw through his heart ! hehehe.

Drama ; they kiss again !

Ariel Lin is so dumb & koh ai inside lah. she thinks kinda slow . but it's added laughter in the show too. Joe is dumb too ! because he dont know that he's jealous towards Qitai ! idiot , i wanna see them quarrelling over Ariel. i wanna see Ariel feeling the love from Joel. it would be rather touching & sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet. im looking foward to the release of the next episode !

alright , i guess my urge for blogging has ended !

Tadahhhhhh , goodbye guys !


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