There is no remedy for love but to love more.

Friday, January 18, 2008

hi ! :)
last day of camp today. ohman. i would really miss Stuart , Admin & Pamela. ):
sigh , everything would come to an end. but i seriously dont wish to. especially , studying in the PAC :D
it would be so shiooooooooook if every lesson's to be conduct in the PAC. woohoo.
hmmm , everything went out fine today , except for the last session. :/
i guess everyone cried at the last session , including the boys.
the last session gave us an opportunity to speak to our parents.
everyone doesn't really have the courage to go up.
& the first brave girl was Huagek which Huakim went up too.
im really really impressed with them. they're so brave ! thumbs up :D
it's so touching , to hear some of my classmates to confess their apologies. which , activated everyone tears to went down & down.
i was struggling real hard , whether to go up or not. & i was racking my brains , planning what im gonna say when im ready to go up.
& my that bad dajie , keep smsing & call me , say go la go la !
roarrrrrrr , she's obviously giving me stress ! she's so irritating at that time lo ! wapiang.
then , some kept saying ' Eurica , go go. jiayou. go go.'
but i dont know why , i dont feel irritated by my dear friends asking me to go up & stuff.
in fact , i felt really encouraged. which i went up in the end !
muahahaha. let me type out what i said.
'Hi , im Eurica Wong. * started thinking what to say & started to weep.*
I've disappointed my parents by dropping from Express to Normal Academic. * CRYYYY*
& i will get 3 points for my 'N' level. * cant control my tears anymore*
* then i realised i couldn't continue anymore , as i felt like im gonna have an asthma attack ! *
so i said ' wo hui jia cai gen ni jiang ' im glad that i made everyone laugh for a few secs.
which i stopped tearing lah. then my heart was like ' phewwwwwwwww'
im very very very very happy & did not regret to go up on stage.
BUT BUT BUT , you know what my parents' feedback?
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa , to think i still cry ! i thought they heard what i said. waliewwwww.
but nevermind , i continue my 'speech' , keep nagging at them , kept saying that ' ACTUALLY I GOT ALOT OF THINGS TO SAY ! ' kept repeating. ha.
after that , we sang a song together. heeee :D
hug my girls & thank god there's somebody like them in my life. ilu girls ! :D
after everything & everything , went hawker centre to have a bite & homed around 10. :)

Today was my best day ever in school.
schoolmates opened their hearts & speak to their parents. oh , they hugged them too !
ohmygod , they're so coooool ! weehee !
I WILL DEFINITELY ATTEND THE BOOSTER SESSION. although i dont know what's that.
& ohyah , i pitied those who didnt attend either of the days or those who didnt even bother to attend. im sure they would regret when they know what've we done these few days.
it's really like .' i live the fullest of my life today'
& to those who didnt bother to attend the camp & yet they have the cheek to say . I YEARN TO PASS MY EXAMS & STUFF. please la. you dont even bother to come this camp , let alone study. just go to hell.

alright , goodnight dearies :)
i felt sweeeeeeeet.


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