There is no remedy for love but to love more.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Rafi's Album :)
[ can skip here if you ppl dislike him ! well , alot ppl hates him . :D ]
okayy , i saw your teeth .
kkay , you saw it xD
for sure i will not blog .
the definition of white & black.

hi there ! :D
school was the sameeeeee. feeling bored + bored as days passed by .
why cant they jus let us off ? they can just give remedials to the people who have to retest. [ no offence to those who's having retest ]
taking my sleeping time awayyy . ):
i can sleep 8 hours more daily de ok !
5 x 8 = 40 ( 1st week )
40 x 2 = 80 (2nd week! )
mygod . they took 80 sleeping hours away from me. damn ><
so so so , tmr might not be going school !
depends on my dear qingx qingx qingx . ha.
& jus visited grandmother.
i think she can be discharge soon.
perharps , 1 week more ? LOL.
anddddd , tmr going out with sg !
shes bringing me to make a posb card , i think ?
feeling excited !
i havent paid payment by swiping card before ! or even taking out money from the machine.
LOL , alright . im suaku , im idiot , im sot . whatever . im just excited . wakaka.
okayy , gaming soon !
tataaaaaah :)


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