There is no remedy for love but to love more.

Monday, March 26, 2007

II HATE LEE BENG HUAT ! he gave miie 1 more LRC ! ROAR . sian ! jus becos ii am late for lrc. he add 1 for miie ! okay. this ii dont mind. but he actually don let miie change the date ! kns ! ii prepared my schdeule liao can ? he jus ruined it . BLAH . sai-er ! sian half . *CRIES* he jus suck totally. he jus gave miie that don-bother face when ii approached him . hell . icucic u! aiya. whatever ~ haha ! and today we compared the size of our eyes ! LOL . stupid can . CONCLUSION : meiqing is the smallest ! (x HAHA . heh . today lessons was alright la. ii pay attention to all ! except that forever-boring geog. HAHA ! siao lang di siao again . lols . sent to ch-lrc. haha . orbi. (x he very funny sehs . baichi also. lol. hao la. stop here ! BYE ! [[:



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