There is no remedy for love but to love more.

Thursday, March 8, 2007

yoohoo. today went to cip. okays lars . only for that stupid instructor. he thot he what sias . say want send report to MOE . kns . like shyt . haha. dawn funny sias . cos the guy say what should we do when singapore got flood ? dawn says get ready to wear the bikini. LOL. and the instructor is darn ridiculous . tmd. laugh also got prob. ue brain damage ahs . diaoo . HAHA. enough about cip. oh yah ! vivian and miie have a date ! haha ! we gonna watch movie in the holidays . didn't get to watch it this tuesday. HAIS . so excited laa. looking foward ^^ . and .
I MISS AB !!! ((: HAHAS ! she so dirty laa. now still havent bath. throw her into the piggy mud the thingy. lol. and MY ARM HURTS . argh. fell on tuesday. mother laa . pain like shyt . cant even raise my hand . "$^%£$^%^&^%&*$%#@ sai sia. oh yah. and today is michelle birthday. today 3-8 jie x: HAHA .she don allow ppl to hit her one lors ! NOT FAIR . but ii not so petty ((x still wishing her . HAPPY BIRTHDAY MICHELLE ! found out that ii got alot 'oh yah ' zz. -.- don noe how post my blog laa. Zz. that's for today bars . hope tmr is better ! ((x


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