There is no remedy for love but to love more.

Monday, February 19, 2007

monday 12o2
my ahgong pronounced dead in the morning. he was cold. and ii seen him for the last time.):
tuesday 13o2
funeral. in charge of servin people drinks.
wednesday 14o2
funeral. decided to change "job" as it's super irritating when alot ppl came. changed to kneeling. lol. (:
thursday 15o2
also funeral. the last night. everyone stays overnight. played uno and chinese chess.
friday 16o2
went mandai for cremation. super grand there. lol (:
cried too. but tears stop after few minutes
saturday 17o2
had dinner with relatives
sunday 18o2
went to fuhai to "eat breakfast with my ahgong and uncle"
monday 19o2
checked in coasta sands resort at sentosa
room damn small. thot would be a very big one. in my dreams lurh!
sibei sian. not fun at all. except for the captain ball part (x
super tiring and fun HAHA ((x darn funny. all the slippers were gone when we finished the game. went to find it. like finding treasure sias. lols. miie and my sister fell alot time during the game. she very JIAN. she use her nehneh to block my cousin. LOLS. then my cousin also cannot do anything. haha. then ii went to block her. she cheat one lorh. tickle people derh. laos. ii laugh until ii wan urine liao.(x at night no place to sleep at all. then come here play com. haha. wanted to try pooling. but that guy say. sorry you have to wait for tmr. it's closed. WALAO. sai la. -.-ll dots sia. sian sian sian. whats fun in sentosa?! SIAN. JIEMEI AIAI! II MISS YOUUUUS (x


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