There is no remedy for love but to love more.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

YO !
went to machperson ITE on yesterday and today !
overall , fun .
dont wanna elaborate lah . hahaha .
thanks and ♥s to Chelles & Rafi !
pei-ed miie walk home . hahaha. then they bused to school .
& qingx ! for rescuing my profile ♥
aww , im so bothered .
so many peeps' birthday !
ahh . sister , darling , small kns !
omgg lah .
rawrs , dont noe what to buy siah !
& no money ! omg . that's the biggest prob . oh man . ):
Darling ; ii noe ue wont blame miie if ii dont give ue present hor .
so considerate man ue ! (x
Sister ; oh , ii had chipped in without using money for ur present (x
Small kns ; oh man ! why cant ii noe ue after ur birthday ?! xP ii will use up all my brain juice to think of a present for ya ! :D

pics in these days are randomly ; in Chelles blog .
all go view her blog okay ? HAHAHA .
tata !


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