There is no remedy for love but to love more.

Friday, July 6, 2007


woo ! had a super uber very nice sleep yesterday . didn't wake up at all . hahaha .
woke up late. super rush . didn't had enough time . then that ah lai . keep scream scream . make miie forget wear my shoes . wearing a slipper to attend for morning pt . diaoo . then that shirley wong . omggg .catching those who wear slippers . OMG LA . im the only one who kena. T.T
kena scolded by ahlai . diao
run back to the morning pt .
did area cleaning , then breakfast .
after that , cleaning tents , doing eco farm projects , dismantling tent .
before leaving , there's some sort of prize presentation .
LOL , didn't get any =='
and FINALLY ! we're going homeee !
ii miss QINGX , CHELLES , SMALL KNS! , and drinks like hell man .
boarded the bus .
slept on the bus for like 2 hours .
omgg laa , xingtian said ii snore . ah . so paiseh T.T the worse is kokboon heard it , and make fun ! AH ! sucker ! (x
then reached custom at about 4.30 . stamp stamp stamp . then toilets . LOL . ii went to the wrong toilet . omg AGAIN .
ii was like , following wahidah pace , looking down . then when wahidah turned , ii dont noe . and followed a guy to the toilet . LOL . heng ii heard xingtian laughter then save miie siahs . otherwise , ii no need live already . lol .
stupid her keep laughing . she noe all my chou shi laaa ! idiot ! GRR . haha .
reached sch at about 5 .
buy drinks immediately ! woohoo . NICE .
chatted with the instuctors . haha . they were like different personality .
fierce in camp , nice in school :D
and PS . the camp chief SUPER SUAVE ! smile ; sweet . not smiling ; cool . his side burn super long . hahaha . woo . sexy ! LOL.
okay . shall end here !
last of all ,
Qingx , Chelles & Small kns !
ii miss ue guys !
im going crazy laa . cya sooooon ! ♥


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