There is no remedy for love but to love more.

Saturday, July 7, 2007

today was a special day . not for miie . for everyone ii think ! 070707 ! chio man .
cfm plus chop alot ppl getting married today . sweet !

woke up at 12 today . played com .
did audi licence for darling . (x helped her to change her blog url next .
omg , she owe miie so many favours ! wahahahaha ! ue are dead .
tomorrow might be going plaza sing with her .[ not sure yet , because of my dad's temper , ue noe it . (: ]
went out in the evening , to woodlands . yah , some lessons .
forgot to bring my phone ! felt so empty without it lur ! T.T
reached there and found out that lessons are not conducting today . LAME =='
so went to causeway point to shop . bought school shoes from Kappa . common shoes .
haha , homed at around 10.30 .
found out that darling and xingtian missed called miie .
my tian , darling had been call-bombing my house phone . LOL .
called darling and xingtian . xingtian super lameeee ! kept laughing about my chou shi T.T
after that ..
watched a show in chn 8 ; 救命
my god laa . its scary and touching . [ some of the scenes ]
now waiting for Sungu to come . dots !
2 a.m already . still dont noe how to come back !
mus set a curfew for her already ! rawrs !
sleeping soon !
nights all . (:


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