There is no remedy for love but to love more.

Monday, May 7, 2007

alright , this shall be my last post . gonna post again after exam . so . uploaded ALL the pics that ii took these few days . i'm trying to be 'civilised' after hearing that MAY has been reading my blog ! omg ? paiseh ah . (x hahaha . has been 'tou tou ' reading my blog ! eeyer lor ! blah . gonna jiayou for my exams . she gave miie a stack of books . holy ~ A-MEN ~ ;D


my winning tiles !

hahahah . she teaching cousin ^^

my beloved sungu . (x

this is what gabriel drew on miie . ==

er , benny . what ue doing ? xD

with sister ;D

heh ^^

that's the evidence for his crime . (tou chi bu cha zui ) HAHA .


yucong , stop it . (:

qingx cut hand .

yucong trying to be close . lol.

snaps of chinese lesson ! P.S they are gossiping x:


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