There is no remedy for love but to love more.

Monday, April 30, 2007

today had english exam ! ii was relieved laa . not saying that ii will get good grades .. jus that english was over ! yay-ness . from young , ii nvr pass my english before lor ! only for my PSLE . haha . AND . ii expected news report to be in the exam . but it's formal letter ! ii didn't read the format at all lor . sai ! zz . then ii anyhow write . ii wrote the salutation MR TAN . should be dear sir . walan . ii was like figuring what to write lor . then ii see that is tan poh pin set the paper . then ii aga-aga write his surname . lol . ii thot ii was right lor . until chelles they all started discussing . idiot miie . TT ah , enough about exams . hopefully, ii would pass ! A-MEN ! (:
after exam , miie and qingx pei chelles see doctor . she got 'yi-li yi-li' on her leg . ii think is rashes bah . haha . get well soon ! (:
after seeing the doctor . decided to go block 56 chit-chat . but qingx pangsehhhhhh ~! went off at around 2 plus . then benny joined awhile later . then around 4 plus . he went off . talked to chelles . time go fast man . at around 6 . bused home . very long since ii bused . zz . AND ! OH YAH ! TODAY'S FCUKING DAY ! ii tio bird shit . KNS SIA ! kao kao kao . ughs . and chelles' stead decided to buy 4d . lucky lucky. hope it strikes ! good luck ! anwyay , today mummy's birthday . nearly forgot ..



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