There is no remedy for love but to love more.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

was teaching this 2 'hardworking' students .
they imagined xiaxue happen to pass by my blog & added miie in to the TOP 7 DISGUSTING & THICK SKIN BLOGGER .
so , removed ! who want to see the exciting part , please ask from miie :DD
my brain crashed up after teaching them . ):
felt that the timetable was not bad leh :DD not so tiring like the previous . haha .
assembly was as boring as ever , but not with chelles entertaining ! we massage each others arm , as we both had muscle ache at the same area . amazing luh .
then we both keep giggling , as it was itchy , pain & soothing . haha .
had the 2nd POA test in POA period .
wapiang , ii heard from teacher that ii flunk . wtf . =.=
other period was alright , chinese was a disaster .
hell , teacher & students doesn't seem to stand together uh .
yeah , its Jialin & Xiumei . X:
omg luh , today's quarrel was super uber HOT . & xiumei was ended up being banned to attend chinese lesson now .
but , hooray . 2 periods of time spent to read 2 times of kewen :D which is =.=
the shortest lesson ii ever had (:
the most funniest thing is , when im walking down with jiani & after looking at jiani digging her bag , ii found out that ii left my bag at 3E2 . LOL , ii ran back & take it . so malu as Janet saw it . zzz
met chelles at new block , then waited for qingx with chelles & benny .
qingx finally ended after 35 mins of waiting x:
went market to eat lunch .
crap for awhile there then we sent chelles home .
then waited for qingx bro to end school .
qingx's bro is really really .. OMG .
he actually dig his nose & clear the dirt on my skirt . ii ranted at him like hell . then ii keep hitting his coconut head . hahah .
qingx's mum came & ii bused home after that .
ii really do regret asking qingx to divorce . f3 .
skip this please
HELL , my grandma was really a nuisance .
we jus happen not to on her 'shen tai ' light . then she jus keep ranting & nagging here & that . then ii started to fight back . WTF can . she have her so-called reasons for everything RIGHT thing she done . well , everything she does is RIGHT . she started saying , yah lah yah lah , ii better be off dead .
if she's not my elderly , ii might probably give her one tight slap . then started saying that we kept playing computer , like paralysed . why not , help her on light . wtf , is that my job ? nb pcb . then she say what , somemore today guan yin birthday , WHY NVR ON ?! HELL , like we noe when she birthday ? ii guess she would blame everything to dad as he's unlikely to shout back . my grandmother is like a shrew lor . she still asked miie to fight with her when ii rebel her . hell , she might probably go complain to her siblings after ii fight with her , think ii so dumb ah . then shes like starting to compare her & her siblings . say what , that person staying in blah blah , so rich siah . compare here & there . walao .if everything are able to choose , ii wont choose to be her granddaughter , ii swear . then she started to say about my buddhist ; fotang .
tmd , ii really cannot stand her lor . ii can imagine the scene when my father's back later . goodluck , dad .
& shes started to bitch about my mum . yah , she's right forever . she has no wrong AT ALL . even my grandad mention that before , when hes still alive lor .
& whenever she hears this , she would started her sutra.
she keep repeating that we're saving electricity jus that we didn't on her light . then she off the light that im using now . nb , later ii shout she will say , ii better be off dead . ii dont shout , she say im wang ba dan .
a light can even start her sutra , power .
aiyah , ii had ALOT of things to say about her . & ii had vented my half anger in my blog .
ii dislike her at this very moment , ii curse her at this very moment , ii hate her at this very moment .
but , ii dont mean it .
what ii can do is SIGH .
bye .


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