There is no remedy for love but to love more.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

hihi , back (:
school was normal , & im quite delighted that POA is after recess .
so , no more delaying for recess .
BUT BUT BUT , that freaking Mdm Wee can actually delayed us . freak her lah . shes so damn xl .
then miie & carleen started saying , maya is gl wee is xl . both together is xtra gl . LOL . lame lah , ii noe .
during POA was fun . teacher help miie ma sa ji . damn pain lah . ii retaliated by pressing her accupoints . lols lah . ii noe she felt pain too :D
laugh like hell .
& our test result was returned . ii got 19/30 . chelles & aloy got the same too .
19 leh , yet we can get the highest for the class . ii cant believe it lor , seriously .
after POA , physics .
our new teacher is Mr Gui . He's damn lame . & everybody could laugh like as if he had humoured them well . dots .
slept through as he's talking about his experience more than teaching us . =.=
finally , the last period . english . was alright . although its wee wee . (:
ii could say , time passes quite fast today . :D
went market with chelles & qingx , then benny joined .
chatted then went off with sister . dad fetched us .

sigh , ii really hope that Audition song wont be so limited like now . wtf , ii hate audition now lor . nb , almost all the song were taken out .

bye .


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