There is no remedy for love but to love more.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

HAHAHAHAHAH . shes so gonna piak miie for this x:
let miie tell ue the origin of this pic !
yah , ii started it . heh . ii put my 'chio' pic in her phone and use it as her phone's wallpaper . then the nxt morning ii find out my phone wallpaper is this . ii exclaimed and drop my phone next . it was too scary . AWW ):

the car

NI HAO ! hahaha , dad bought a car . it was , oh my god . better than the previous one bah . haha . at least ii need not worried that ii will be suffocated to death when sitting at the back . heh . had not sit on it yet . zz . ii was alone at home now . they went to clark quay . so boring la , go there see the bridge nia . what to see sia ? -.- lame ~ haha . so ii decided to stay at home and watch tokyo juliet . hmm , little bit sian alr . zz . the whole episode is like .. guys in the world fall in love with the girl , then girls fall in love with the guy . -.- cannot stand it already laaaa . blah ~ but ii will still be watching la . you shi you zhong mah . heh [:

heh ! not bad bah . ii also leaving ue a special para leh . hahahahah (x our friendship going to 3 years already ! but we have least time this year , because of ue lor . got erhem liao ! yao pao qi wo . ): eh , joking okay ? hee . and what , ue wanna share the egg bread . which egg bread . LOL . ii buy one ah ? ohhh , mus be ii cook one la . HAHAHAHA . ii noe ue missed it . but , NO . ue cannot tiao ka and wait for miie to cook alr ! its ur turn . go bah . on my birthday ii wan 15 bread thanks . plus 1 gift okay ! im waiting for it . [:



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